the weekend that changes everything!


Avalanche (Blue)

7th and 9th

Voltage (Yellow)

6th and 10th

Rampage (Red)


Raptors (Green)

8th and 12th


-Clothes (shirts, shorts, pants, sweatshirts, etc.)
-Team color apparel for Friday night session (come dressed to check-in)
-Hawaiian Luau attire for Late Night session
-Closed-toed shoes
-Bath Towel
-Wash Cloth
-Water Bottle
-Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc.)
-Sleeping Bag/Blanket
-Any prescriptions needed (these will be collected at check-in and handed to their small-group leaders)
-Bible or Bible App (if you do not have either, we will provide one)
-SNACKS! SNACKS! SNACKS! (For host home)


-Respect your Host Home Parent Guidelines/Leader Guidelines
-Be present and ON TIME for each event including meals
-NO PDA (Public or Private Display of Affection)
-No drugs, alcohol, any form of tobacco, vape materials, TV's, fireworks, firearms, knives, water balloons, eggs, rolling or water
-Students must ride with an adult during the weekend.
-Students are not allowed to drive themselves or others during the weekend.


7:00pm - Check-in at Anthem
7:45pm - Doors Open
8:00pm - Session 1
9:00pm - Small Group
9:45pm - Fun Night
10:30pm - Head to Host Homes
12:00am - Bedtime

9:30am - Depart from Host Homes
10:00am - Return to Anthem
10:15am - Doors Open
10:30am - Session 2
11:30am - Small Group
12:00pm - Lunch
12:30pm - Free Time (on campus)
3:30pm - Depart to off-campus Free Time
6:00pm - Dinner
6:45pm - Doors Open
7:00pm - Session 3
8:00pm - Small Group
8:30pm - Snack
8:45pm - Doors Open
9:00pm - Late Night
10:00pm - Head to Host Homes
12:00am - Bedtime

7:00am - Clean up Host Homes
7:30am - Depart from Host Homes
8:00am - Check-out at Anthem


Host Home Info:
Your student(s) will be spending the night Friday and Saturday with their small group and leaders at the home of generous parents/leaders that have offered up their home to us. This is one of the best experiences your student(s) will have while attending mylife. The names of the Host Home adults and their contact info have been provided via email.

Small-Group Leader(s) Info:
Your student(s) have been provided some of the best leaders Anthem has to offer to spend the weekend with and create a safe environment where your student(s) can experience our motto: You Matter, You Belong. Their contact info has been provided via email.

Check-in Info:
Check-in for mylife. '25 will begin Friday, January 24th at 7pm at Anthem Church and run until we start our first session at 8pm. We ask you to arrive during that window of time so your student(s) can enjoy the entire experience of camp.

Check-Out/Leaving Early Info:
Check-out will begin Sunday, January 26th at 8am and run until 8:30am. We ask that your student(s) be picked up during that window so we can have the campus ready for our Adult and Children's church services to begin on time on Sunday. At check-in, we ask that you let us know who will be checking your student(s) out. For safety, we will not allow someone not listed to check your student(s) out without prior approval from our Student Ministries Director, Philip Floor. When your student(s) checks into camp, they are to remain at camp (Anthem Church or Host Home) the entire time until check-out on Sunday morning. If your student(s) has to leave camp before Sunday, they will not be allowed to do so without prior confirmation from our Student Ministries Director, Philip Floor. If your student(s) has to leave camp for a portion of time, they can be checked back into camp. We will have people standing by to do so.

Behavior/Emergency Protocols:
If there is a behavior issue with your student(s), an emergency involving your student(s), or an emergency that takes place at camp, you will be contacted immediately by our Student Ministries Director, Philip Floor, or our Family Ministries Director, Annie Tucker to have them picked up. If an emergency takes place in your personal life where your student(s) needs to be picked up, we ask you to contact our Student Ministries Director, Philip Floor so we can have your student(s) ready to be picked up.

Keeping every student safe while at camp is of the utmost importance to us. Throughout camp, we will have our security team present and any adult that comes in contact with your student(s) has been background checked. Due to the fact that your student(s) will be traveling by car with our leaders and staff, all of our leaders and staff that will be driving have also had a DMV report run on them.

Production Info:
Throughout camp, we will have various sessions consisting of music, games, lights, and messages from our guest speaker Parker Rushing, Student Ministries Director at Beachside Community Church in Ft. Walton Beach. During our production, we will have our student band play accompanied by various light shows. We want every student to experience our sessions in the most comfortable way we can provide. If your student is sensitive to moving lights and flashes, we ask that you let us know ahead of time so we can make sure they are notified when the lights will take place and can offer them observance in our lobby where they can hear and watch from our screens and speakers out there accompanied by an adult. If your student(s) is sensitive to loud noises, we will have earplugs and headphones available for them to wear upon request as well as offer them to observe in the lobby.

Sunday Student Services:
Camp is going to be an incredible experience for your student(s). To give your student(s) and our volunteers some much-needed rest, we will not be having Student Services for Transit (middle school) and InsideOut (high school) on Sunday, Janurary 26th. Will will resume Student Services the following Sunday, February 2nd. Waumba Land (birth-preschool), UpStreet (elementary school), and adult services will still be offered Sunday, January 26th at 9:15am and 11am. If your student(s) volunteers in one of our environments and does not plan to serve that Sunday, we ask that you please have them notify the ministry area they serve in ahead of time.


What is it?

This is an amazing event when middle and high school students come together for a weekend in Gainesville, FL. At this retreat, students will learn how to be ready when they face the inevitable obstacles of life. That’s why it’s called mylife.—we want each student to be equipped to live their best life with God at the center.

Students will attend three main sessions, have small group time, sleep over as a small group at a host home, and participate in a fun group outing during free time.


Student Ministries Director: Philip Floor 678.787.8560

Executive Director: Annie Tucker 353.226.4334

Financial Support?

If you need financial support sending your student(s) to mylife., please complete the scholarship application above. So many people at Anthem want to see every student have the opportunity to go to mylife. Tremendously generous donations have been given to make that happen. Please don't let money stop your student from going.