Welcome Starting Point Leaders!
You have a terrific opportunity ahead of you as you guide your group members in a conversational environment where they can explore faith and experience community. This site is designed to equip you to lead well.
Links will open PDF for your reference for each session. The document "Ending Starting Point: What's Next?" is designed for you to print or leverage digitally to help participants get a picture on what's next for them now that starting point is ending.
Please Note: The 4 week version of Starting Point is an adaptation from the original 8 week version of Starting Point. The weeks listed below are in reference to how we will do the 4 week version, not the original weeks in the 8 week version. I.E. Week Three below for you is "Week 5" in the 8 week version.
Please Note: The 4 week version of Starting Point is an adaptation from the original 8 week version of Starting Point. The weeks listed below are in reference to how we will do the 4 week version, not the original weeks in the 8 week version. I.E. Week Three below for you is "Week 5" in the 8 week version.
Week One: Start
Week Two: Problem
Week Three: Jesus
Week Four: Grace // Ending Starting Point: What's Next? (use this last doc as you finish!)
Week Two: Problem
Week Three: Jesus
Week Four: Grace // Ending Starting Point: What's Next? (use this last doc as you finish!)
Links will open PDF of each week of the participant guides. Participants should read through each guide and answer questions BEFORE that week's group.
Week One: Start
Week Two: Problem
Week Three: Jesus
Week Four: Grace (includes Appendix: letter from Jason, Next Steps Doc & Bible Reading Plans)
Week One: Start
Week Two: Problem
Week Three: Jesus
Week Four: Grace (includes Appendix: letter from Jason, Next Steps Doc & Bible Reading Plans)