The purpose of THRIVE is to celebrate the strengths of your relationship and highlight areas a little more communication might help!  The bottom line is, we believe a better marriage is possible!  Below you'll find all 6 sessions of THRIVE ONLINE!  At the end, there's also 2 incredibly helpful bonus episodes that we hope you don't skip!

To get the most of this experience try this:
  1. Schedule a time each week to watch THRIVE together with your spouse!
  2. Watch 1 video at a time.
  3. Don't miss that time, make it a priority!
  4. As you watch, take notes, and be honest!
  5. Leave yourself enough time to talk after you watch.
  6. Do the YouVersion Bible Reading Plan as you go through it!

Jump to a Session:

Session One

Session two

Session three

Session four

Session five

Session Six

Bonus Content 1: Intimacy in Marriage

Bonus Content 2: The Weekly Check-In