What's next after 2:1?

You've walked through hard and amazing conversations and done the work to set your marriage up to win before it starts!  Congratulations!  Besides the wedding day, what's next?  Our hope is you would continue to grow by finding your place in the life and mission of the local church here at Anthem!

The big idea here is what we call "The Four": Invite, Give, Serve and Group.

Engage by INVITING others to join you on Sundays!  Keep making church a priority, as you follow Jesus he will make your life better and make you better at life!  Make an intentional choice to GIVE a percentage of your income first to the work of God in the world through the church!  Decide now that if you're not serving, you'd make it a priority to SERVE!  (Pro Tip:  Serving on a team together creates some amazing shared experiences!) Also decide to be a part of a COMMUNITY GROUP together.  You weren't designed to live life alone and along the way we all need people in our corner!