Thanks for joining us.

This video from The Bible Project is an excellent companion to the walk-through experience we shared at Anthem. If you weren't able to join us, it's also a helpful overview of the events we reflected on together that marked Jesus' journey to the cross.

Revisit the journey.

If you were unable to join our Journey to the Cross experience on Good Friday, or want to revisit part of it, you'll find the scripture references and prompts for reflection from our walk-through experience below.

Palm Sunday

Read: Mark 11:1-11
Reflect: Where in your life do you need to celebrate Jesus' presence?

Jesus purges the temple

Read: Matthew 21:12-13
Reflect: What is something that needs to be driven out of your life?

The withered fig tree

Read: Mark 11:20-25
Reflect: Who in your life do you need to ask God to help you forgive?

The betrayal of Jesus

Read: Luke 22:1-6
Reflect: What is something in your life that you're choosing to trade Jesus for?

Jesus washes feet

Read: John 13:1-17
Reflect: What is an area of your life where God is calling you to set an example for others?

The Last Supper

Read: Mark 14:12-16
Reflect: What does Jesus' sacrifice mean for your life?

Good Friday

Read: Matthew 27:11-61
Reflect: Thank Jesus for his sacrifice. Take Communion to celebrate it.